In Russia, the dissemination of any information is free, but subject to compliance with the requirements established by law.
So in Russia, the organizer of the dissemination of information in the Internet is a person who carries out activities to ensure the operation of information systems and (or) programs for electronic computers that are designed and (or) used to receive, transmit, deliver and / or process electronic Messages of users of the Internet network. In simple terms, any application or Internet service that allows you to send and receive messages between users must be registered in a special state register. Such a register is maintained by Roskomnadzor.
For example, the organizers of the dissemination of information are applications WhatsApp, Viber, SnapChat, Telegram and others. In addition to messengers, this category includes Google’s email services,, and others.
Registration in the state register.
The first option is compulsory registration of a company in the state register. Such registration is carried out at the request of Roscommodzor. If the company received a request, it is obliged (under Russian law) to provide legally relevant information about itself for inclusion in the register.
The second option is that the company registers itself in the register. For this, it is necessary to send information about the company and the messaging service to Roskomnadzor of Russia.
To register in the registry, you must provide two types of data.
About company:
Company name;
Country of incorporation;
Mailing address;
E-mail address
About the service:
Service domain name;
E-mail of the site administrator;
E-mail of the hosting provider;
Description of the messaging service.
Companies are required to:
A. To store information about logs on the territory of Russia: reception, transmission, delivery of voice information, written text, images, sounds, video messages of users. Shelf life: 1 year.
B. To store in Russia letters, voice information, any texts, images, sounds, video messages of users. Shelf life: 6 months.
C. Provide special services of Russia, the police and the FSB with the specified data upon request.
D. Provide the special services of Russia, the police and the FSB with the means to decode encrypted messages from users.